Electronic Cigarettes and Their Advantages

The Advantages of Electronic Cigarettes

Smoking is increasingly being considered more and more antisocial due to increasing health concerns. We all know that smoking is bad for us, but we do it anyway. Successive governments have been steadily reducing the proportion of smokers through higher taxation and no smoking laws that make smoking less convenient. Rather than being a social activity, smoking is rapidly becoming an anti-social practice, permissible in increasingly limited places. Electronic cigarettes address this issue because they are far less harmful that tobacco based cigarettes as well as being cheaper to use. You can also use them in many places where smoking has been prohibited.

The government is also raising the duty on cigarettes at every opportunity making smoking much less affordable for a large section of society.

Cost Savings

Electronic cigarettes are a much more affordable alternative. It the spring of 2013 a pack of 20 cigarettes costs about £8 depending on your brand. By comparison a 10 ml bottle of e-liquid costs £4.99 and is the equivalent of 10 packets of cigarettes. That’s a Saving of £75 every 10 days if you are a 20 a day smoker.

Huge cost savings are one of the main reasons for the growing popularity in e-cigarette vaporisers.

The tobacco industry is a very powerful political force, fighting to protect their business interests. The UK government meanwhile is taking steps to ‘protect’ us from ourselves while having to address the needs and concerns of the tobacco industry.

There will no doubt be a time when cigarettes are outlawed completely, but because it is such a massive industry, this can’t be done overnight. It is more of a phasing out of an industry over a few decades than instantly closing it down.

Due to the significant cost savings that electronic cigarettes offer, people are switching from tobacco to e-liquid in rapidly growing numbers. This is naturally making the tobacco industry quite nervous as they can see their sales being eroded at an alarming rate.

As a consequence of this uptake in e-cigarette usage, the tobacco industry is using its considerable political weight to fight back. There are several ongoing legal cases as well as Parliamentary debates about electronic cigarettes.

If usage continues to grow we can expect to see cigarette companies developing their own e-cigarettes in order to maintain their hold over the marketplace. We can additionally expect to see taxation on e-liquid so that the government can protect its current revenue streams.

Because electronic cigarettes are inherently less harmful than tobacco products you would expect the government to endorse their usage, but when there is billions of £’s at stake, such logic goes out of the window. While telling us that they have our health and well being at the heart of their policy decisions, government is more about generating revenue as it is protecting us from dangerous products.

We have all known since the 1960’s that cigarettes are dangerous. In fact they are far more harmful that banned materials such as Asbestos for example. I guess the Asbestos industry didn’t have the political clout needed at the time?!

If the Government wanted to protect us from ourselves they could outlaw tobacco based cigarettes today, so the fact that they don’t demonstrates to me that this is not about our health, rather it is about money, taxation and political pressure.

E-Cigarette Benefits & Advantages

– up to 1,000x less chemicals and Carcinogens

– no passive smoke

– can be used indoors in many public places

– no tar or carbon monoxide

– cost savings

– no smoke smell on clothes

– safe to use around children

variety of pleasant flavoured eliquids to choose from

– no fag breath

– no fire risk

– no ashtrays

What is the Paleo Diet

The Caveman or (Paleolithic) Paleo Diet

The Paleo diet is based around cutting out potatoes, dairy products, legumes, wheat, refined sugars, grains, refined salt as well as processed oils. This leaves you with fish, organic meats, fruit, fungi, eggs, roots, nuts and vegetables.

Those were the staple foods available during the paleolithic era which lasted for around 2.5 million years, but started to die out 10,000 years ago with the development of agriculture and our modern grain based diets.

This was the natural diet of hunter-gatherers through the ages and while some nutrition experts have questioned the wisdom of such a diet, just as many have supported the theory that it is in fact our ‘natural’ diet and as a consequence is the best source of nutrition for the human body.

As with any diet, the key is to be able to find great food that is quick and easy to prepare, tasty and nutritious.

Recent studies of historic diets have indicated them to be more beneficial than typical mediterranean diets, many diabetic diets as well of course as modern western diets with regard to losing weight, heart disease and type two diabetes.

Often the difficulty with incorporating a diet plan into your daily routine is the time and effort needed to prepare special foods, source specific ingredients, and cook to a required eating schedule. The potential beauty of a hunter gather Paleo diet is that most of the ingredients are available on the high street or from popular supermarkets and the preparation and cooking times are comparable with regular meal preparation.

Many people resort to unhealthy diets due to time constraints and hence end up consuming low quality pre packaged food because it is quick and easy. The caveman cookbook (paleo diet) is the simplest way to eat healthily, restore your vitality and plan your healthy meals quickly and easily.

paleo diet recipes

Find out more about the Paleo Diet Lifestyle here

Or to find more Caveman Diet Recipe Books click here

The Principles of Paleo

The Paleolithic diet is high in animal protein and fat and low in carbohydrates.

It should be considered more of a lifestyle than a diet ‘as such’.

You can eat as many saturated fats such as butter and clarified butter as you like. As long as they are sourced from organic well kept animals, duck fat, lard and beef tallow are also good. Olive oils, macadamia oil and avacado are also good fats for drizzling over foods or for salads, but don’t use them for cooking.

You can eat generous amounts of animal protein including liver, kidney and heart as well as red meats, pork, poultry and eggs.

You should eat vegetables either cooked or raw, including sweet potatoes and yams which are low in non-toxic carbohydrates.

You should eat an amount of nuts and fruit. Aim for low sugar fruits such as berries, and nuts that contain omega-3 but little omega-6 such as macadamia nuts.

You should choose organic pasture fed meat where possible, or leaner cuts on meat if not, which you can then supplement with butter or coconut oil for your fat intake.

You should cut out all cereal grains from your diet. These include;

Wheat, barley, oats, corn and brown rice.

You should also cut legumes from your diet, these include;

Soy, peanuts, beans and peas.

You should also avoid hydrogenated oils including;

Margarines, corn oil, peanut oil, sunflower oil, soybean oil and canola oil.

Olive oil and Avocado oil are fine on foods but not for cooking with.

You should eliminate sugar from your diet. All soft drinks, packaged products and fruit juices.

You should not eat dairy except for butter and heavy cream.

How Does A Paleo Diet Work?

Despite the passing of the ages, our genetics haven’t altered very much in tens of thousands of years, in fact since we were cavemen, hunting and gathering our food on a daily basis.

More about how paleo diets work at http://www.ultimatepaleodiet.com

Each day, people would eat what they found or caught, so meals tended to consist of one or two items, that they had found that day.

Or stomachs make different enzymes to break down the different foods that we eat, so if you eat protein you stomach makes one enzyme to digest it, and if you eat carbohydrates for example, it makes another to break that down.

10,000 years ago our stomachs only had to digest one food at a time mostly, and functioned very well as a result.

Modern diets are packed with ngredients that we are not designed to digest efficiently and especially not in the combinations that we eat them. Our bodies end up creating many different enzymes in order to try to digest the pre-packaged junk we have eaten and we wonder why we don’t feel very well!

The Paleolithic Diet is derived from the Paleolithic era when we were hunter-gatherers, eating only what we could find and none of it processed, preserved or modified in any way.

If you wouldn’t have been able to find it 10,000 years ago, you shouldn’t be eating it today.

Modern farming methods, developed to feed an ever growing population have led to our foods becoming more and more unnatural to us.

Today in the supermarket you should only go to the fresh produce, the fresh meat and the fish counter……. if it comes in a box you need to leave it alone!

Aren’t Fats Bad for Me?

In short, only the processed junk fats that we are all used to eating in our modern diets. Read this article for more information.