Ten Ways To Make The Outside Of Your Home Look Great

May 7, 2013 by  
Filed under Home Improvement

Simple Ideas to Make your Home Look Great

If you’ve neglected the outside of your property for some time you might need to do a little work to get it looking back to its best. Some of the things which can be done won’t take long whilst others require significant work and in some cases expenditure, however with a little effort you can make your home look great again.

Garden – the basics

Even if you don’t know an annual plant from a perennial you can still make your garden look tidy. If needed hire a mini skip and get rid of anything which has been loitering in your garden for too long. If you have grass – cut it, even if this means hiring a strimmer. Prune shrubs and give any paved areas a good sweep or a spray with a jet washer. It might take you the whole weekend but the effort you put in will be worth it.

Garden – landscaping

If you’ve tidied the garden and still aren’t pleased with the results it might be time to do some hard landscaping to get it back to its best. If the grass is non-existent and the weeds have taken root you might need to start from scratch and do some hard landscaping.

This might involve laying a new path through the garden or removing what is there and starting afresh. There are companies out there that will do everything for you. Or you could attempt most of the work yourself and reseed the lawn or lay new turf.

House – the basics

Most people don’t even look at the outside of their home or notice it falling into disrepair. However if you keep on top of its maintenance you’ll increase the time between some of the larger jobs which need to be done.

Things you can do to the outside of your house include clearing drains and gutters from leaf debris, making sure window frames are wiped clean, windows are washed and sweeping any paths around the home.

House – renovations

If you want your house to look great you need to keep on top of the maintenance, but from time to time you’ll also need to do some of the bigger jobs. Things you can look at include replacing windows, giving the exterior a lick of paint, replacing gutters, soffits and fascias, replacing or simply painting your front door or replacing your tired old garage door.

All of these things will instantly lift your house and make a huge difference to how it looks.

It’s always better to keep on top of things rather than to let things fall into a state of disrepair. However after a certain amount of time major works will need to be done.

A new drive may have to be laid, new windows may need to be fitted by Woodend Carpentry, or you might need your old garage removed and a new one installed in its place. This is all part of owning a home and even though these things are costly they are an investment for the future.

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