Increase Blog traffic – How to Get More traffic for your Blog

How to Increase Blog Traffic

If you have a blog, then the time will come when you lose patience with waiting for people to find it and you’ll want to get a bit more proactive, increase blog traffic and drive some quality traffic to your blog content.

There are many free and paid traffic methods, which all have different characteristics.

Some will only work as long as you continue to pay for them, or continue to carry out certain tasks in order to facilitate the traffic flow.

What you should be looking at is longer lasting traffic streams that will provide a return for you without the need for too much effort on your part.

The best long term strategy for quality traffic is to position your website in front of search engine traffic.

To increase blog traffic, there are a few things you need to do;

  • Find Keywords with traffic using Google Keyword Tool
  • Write a post for each phrase you find
  • Optimize each post using SEO by Yoast
  • Link to each post by Guest Blogging on other sites

Your rankings will improve for each post until you reach the front page and start to receive decent volumes of traffic. With a little maintenance your blog posts will stay high up in search giving you long term traffic streams from which you can make money.

Guide to Increase Blog Traffic

Find out exactly how you should carry out each part of this process for best results….. download the ultimate blogging guide totally free

How to Earn Money Starting a Blog

Starting a Blog

2013 is a great time for starting a blog, as there are more opportunities for success than ever before. There are however many pitfalls and errors you can make when starting a blog that will mean you never make any money online.

The best way to learn about these easy to make errors and avoid making them yourself is to learn from blogging experts. All the mistakes that could be made have already happened many times, so rather than make them yourself, and cost your self valuable time and effort, learn from the mistakes of others and start a blog profitably first time.

starting a blog

Setting up a successful blog is easy if you know how. The top 100 Technorati ranked bloggers worldwide all use the same strategy to create and build their blogs and you can do the same.

Follow this FREE Starting a Blog Setup Guide and you will find out how to;

  • Choose a niche you can make money from
  • Choose a profitable URL
  • Setup Blog hosting easily and cheaply
  • Structure your blog posts
  • personalise the design of your blog
  • add functionality to save time and effort
  • build your readership
  • promote your blog online
  • make consistent income from your blog
  • and much more too…..

You can create a blog from scratch with little or no experience in just a few hours, with step by step instructions that will get you started on the blogging road.

No matter what your previous experience online, this guide will give you the knowledge that you need to create a blog and start making money. Just follow the proven strategy that has worked for thousands of blogs already.

Blogging gives you the freedom to escape the rat race and the 9 – 5 routine and work from home, or from wherever you choose with just a laptop and an internet connection. You can work from a cafe, bed, sun lounger, beach, mountain top, almost anywhere, and once your blog is established, you will only need to work for an hour or so per day to keep it ticking along.

Learn the habits of the top bloggers and build a blog that works as well as theirs do. There is no magic to what they have done, they just stick to a blogging plan and keep repeating it for each post that they create….. you can do the same.