Easy Blog Creation Tips – Create a Professional Blog that Works

January 21, 2013 by  
Filed under Improving Your Business

Blog Creation Tips

When you set out to become a blogger, there are a few things that you need to consider. Here are our top Blog Creation Tips.

You need to develop a blogging strategy so that rather than doing things in a hit and miss manner, you consistently apply blogging strategies that you know are going to get you results.

  • Develop a Blogging Strategy
  • Stick to your Blogging Schedule
  • Promote every Blog Post you publish
  • repeat

The secret to making money blogging is to keep doing the same things that the world’s top bloggers did to become successful.

So what did they do I hear you ask?

  • Set their blogs up to be efficient
  • Publish posts every day
  • Promote their posts every day
  • Concentrate on quality over quantity

Your blog setup is crucial to your future blogging success. If your blog isn’t designed to work well (ask cheapresponsivewebdesign.co.uk wordpress web design experts to test it for you) in search or to be easy to navigate then you will never get the footfall or the engagement that you need if you are going to make money.

The top 100 money making blogs online today all have one thing in common…… they post new, unique, quality content every day.

Why do they do that? Because it is the best way to build a blog as quickly as possible into a money making business.

If you don’t have time to add new content daily, then set yourself a publishing schedule that you can stick to and then stick to it. Treat your blog like a traditional print publication, set a deadline and work to it so that your readers, the search engines and everyone else will know when to expect new content from you.

Easy Blog Creation Tips

Assuming that your blog content is of a high standard and that it is also unique content, rather than duplicated from somewhere else, you are already heading in the right direction to have a successful blog.

Promotion of your blog is as important as the quality of the content that you produce.

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There is no point having great content and no visitors, just as there is no point having lots of visitors but low quality content for them to read.

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The most important of these blog creation tips is that you need to focus on both, high quality content AND effective blog promotion.

What is effective Blog Promotion?

Blog promotion can be defined in simple terms as getting your blog posts in front of potential readers is as larger numbers as possible.

The more people can find your blog, the faster you will build your blog into a thriving business.

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Blog Creation Tips – Methods of Blog Promotion

Promoting your Blog can take many forms;

  • SEO and search engine rankings
  • Forums
  • Blog Comments
  • Social Media, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter etc.
  • Social Bookmarking

In order to be successful you should aim to attract visitors from all of the above methods of blog promotion. Of all the blog creation tips, (according to website marketing experts Deeho) this is one of the most important because if you attract traffic from different sources then if one stream should dry up for any reason, you will still have many more to rely upon. This will protect your blog from potential traffic losses in the future and also protect your future income.

SEO should be an important focus of your attention however as targeted organic search traffic tends to convert much better than most other traffic because people are actively looking for what it is you do, products you sell, services you offer etc.

SEO (search engine optimization) is the process of building the value of your website via the power, trust and authority of other related content that links to your pages. Each page has a value, and a category, if the category is relevant and the score is good then that link will help to boost your organic rankings.

The key to high quality SEO according to www.seo-seo-seo.co.uk, leading SEO consultants for over 10 years, is to only focus on creating links from high quality sites that google already likes and trusts. Low quality links can be harmful to your rankings so it’s very important to learn SEO so you know what you are doing if you are not sure. Ask www.one-way-links.co.uk for the best quality backlinks that will help your Google rankings.


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